infinite veerya means that sex energy which continuously goes down from the mind to the body, and in turn comes to the mind from the soul. These are its steps, without which it cannot go down. If the mind in the middle is torn off all connections between the soul and body it v ill be broken off. The power which I call sex energy here is the same in the Yoga and the Tantra (i.e. a religious treatise containing mystical formulas to attain supernatural powers), it is not a biological sex energy.
This sex energy can again rise above. If this sex energy begins to move upwards even in an old man, his life would become as innocent and simple as that of a small child. That old innocence will again shine in his eyes. That innocence and simplicity which are found in a child will return in his personality. Perhaps even more than that. The simplicity of a child is full of danger because it is going to pass away. Under a child's simplicity, there is a live volcano ready to burst. It will burst in a short time. But if the sex energy of an old man returns, his life will be full of innocence. This is saintliness. This innocence is saintliness.
This sex energy is directed by the mind, and is the firm resolve of the mind. It does not flow downwards without the orders of the mind. If the mind can control the flow of this sexual energy it can also control his sexual desires accordingly. If he allows it to flow more, it will increase and vice versa.
During the last twenty years in America, the maturity age of boys and girls has gone down by two years. Where earlier the girls used to be mature at the age of 13, now it happens at the age of 11. This is because the American mind has pressurized the sexual energy too much from all sides. It is the most natural course of events and circumstances. It can descend from 11 to 9, it can also go down to 7 or 5. In America everything has been turned into a sex symbol. Sex is being exploited to sell anything from cars to cigarettes with pictures of half naked women. All this has a terrible effect on the mind, it starts giving out those orders two years earlier which it should have given two years later. This is a premature order and its results are bound to be dangerous.
Earlier something quiet contrary to this used to happen in this country, we had been successful to keep young boys and girls aloof from the world of sex till the age of twenty-five. The whole framework was different. The mind had the will to control this energy. It was achieved by certain physical exercises and asanas and by the practice of certain kinds of meditation, contemplation and determination. If an individual can stop the sex energy from going down till the age of 25, he derives more pleasure, and in future he enters the world of sex and he can compare the two states very easily. He will now realise that there is a fundamental difference between the joy when he had not entered the world of sex and the joy after entering the sex world. Therefore, he who has lived a life of celibacy upto the age of 75, will begin to go towards the world of sannyas after the age of 50 years, because he has the means of comparison.
Talking about the joys of celibacy makes no sense to anybody today because people have experienced only one kind of sexual bliss. Sexlessness is not a part of his experience. The unfortunate thing about this is, once the energy has started to flow down, it becomes difficult to make it flow upwards. Tracks are made. If you upset a glass of water on the floor, the water will flow away leaving a track behind it. In the heat that water would evaporate. No water will be left on that ground. But a dried up track will remain on that place. If you again throw water on that floor there is a 99 per cent chance that the water will flow on that dried up track.
It is natural to follow the path of least resistance. There is desire to flow in that direction where there
The Perennial Path: The Art of Living