xi) I shall have Amity for all, compassion for those below,
appreciation for those above and equanimity for those who cannot
hear the teaching of Lord Mahavir.
I am a light being
I radiate light to everyone and everything
I am light and only light can come to me
I am thankful for my punya (good fortune)
I am Generator of energy, Organizor of energy, and
Destroyer of ignorance
I am infinite consciousness, infinite bliss, immortal and
infinite energy
XIV. kshamapana Sutra (Universal Friendship): Recite the following sutra
with meaning once:
A) Sutra: "Khamemi Savve Jiva, Savve Jiva Khamantu Me, Metti Me
Savve Bhuyesu, Veram Majham N Kenai."
B) Meaning: I grant forgiveness to all living beings; And may all living beings grant me forgiveness. My friendship is with all
living beings. My enmity is totally non-existent.
XV. Shanti Paath: Recite once the following with meaning.
A) Sutra:
1) Shantim shanti nishantam, shantam shanta shivam
namaskritya Stotuh shanti nimittam, mantrapada ih shantaye stomi; 2)
Shivmastu Sarva Jagatah, Par-hit-nirata bhavantu bhutaganah Doshah
Prayantu Nasham, Sarvatra Sukhi bhavantu lokah; 3) Upsargah Shayam
yanti chhidhynte vighna-vallayah Manah prasann tameti, pujya mahne
jineshwari; 4) Sarva mangalah manganyam, sarva kalyana karanam
Pradhanam sarva dharmanam jayanam jayti shashanam.