holders of unrestricted and best knowledge and perception, who (in
this world) are the light, the liberators,, the refuge, the movers
and the givers of rest; obeisance to those who are the victors and
the givers of victory, the saviours and the saved, the givers of enlightenment and the enlightened, the givers of liberation and the
liberated; obeisance to the all-knowing, all-seeing Jinas, who have
conquered fear, and who have attained the happy, stable, formless,
infinite, imperishable, unobstructed and never-to-yield perfection,
status and existence; obeisance to the Sramana Bhagavan Mahavira, the
Adikara, the last Tirthankara, whose advent was determined by the
preceding Tirthankaras. From this station, do I pay homage and
obeisance to the Lord who is there, and may the Revered Lord from
there cast his gracious glances at me here.