VIII. Mangal Path: Recite once the following with meaning.
A) Sutra: "Chattari Mangalam Arihanta Mangalam Siddha Mangalam
Sahu Mangalam Kevali Pannato Dhammo Mangalam; Chattari Loguttama
Arihanta Loguttama Siddha Logut tama Sahu Loguttama Kevali Pannato
Dhammo Loguttamo; Chattari Saranam Pavvajjami Arihante Saranam
Pavvajjami Siddhe Saranam Pavvajjami Sahu Saranam Pavvajjami Kevali Pannatum Dhammun Saranam Pavvajjami."
B) Meaning: These four destory all my negative vibrations, the
Arihantas, the Siddhas, the Sadhus, the Dharma expounded by the
Kevalins (omniscient beings).
These four are the most divine in the
universe - the Arihantas, the Siddhas, the Sadhus, the Dharma expounded by the Kevalin. May I take refuge in these four - the Arihantas, the Siddhas, the Sadhus, the Dharma expounded by the
Kevalin - and in none else.
IX. Guru Vandana: Recite once with meaning and then two times without
meaning as shown below (one must stand up and bow down each time)
A) Tikhutto
Sutra: "Tikhutto Ayahinam Payahinam Karemi Vandami
Namamsami Sakkaremi Sammanemi Kallanam Mangalam Deviyam Chayiyam
Pajjwasami Mathen Vandami."
Three times by right side make a round, I do I
worship I bow I respect I honor, You are benediction, You are a
remover of obstacles, You are like a divinity, You are an ocean of
knowledge, I serve you, I bow my head to your feet.