Verse 2
auxiliary or external cause. The former is the entity that is transformed from the cause to the effect and the latter assists the process. As is evident, the importance of the material or substantial cause is far greater than that of the auxiliary cause. A strong auxiliary cause is unable to produce the change in the absence of the material cause, though the material cause itself always stands in need of the proper auxiliary cause. The karmic matter cannot get itself bound with the soul unless the soul first gets into a state of 'weakness', overcome by passions. The passionate states of the soul are themselves generated by the operative karmas associated with the soul in the form of the kärmaṇa sarīra. The psychical states of the soul are produced and destroyed by the operation of various species of karmas bound with it. Also, various species of karmas bound with the soul are produced and destroyed by the psychical states of the soul. In this way, the soul and various species of karmas get bound to each other. This bond is the cause of the worldly cycle of births and deaths. Thus, the psychical states of the soul are held to be the substantial cause of bondage. On account of these psychical states the karmic matter gets attracted and deposited on to the soul, shrouding its light and glory.
All karmic matter associated with the soul turns into bonds of various kinds of karmas. These bonds are of four kinds according to the nature or species of karma, duration of karma, intensity of fruition of karma, and the quantity of space-points of karma. The bonds have an expiry date after which the karmas 'fall off' or disappear. But before the expiry of that period, due to the activities of the body, mind and speech, and the passions and emotions, these create a fertile ground for fresh karmic matter to get associated with the soul. Thus the process of falling off of old and bondage of new karmas goes on incessantly.
The wise, after knowing the true nature of the soul and the karmic matter, engages himself in the practice of ridding his soul of