Try to turn the hearers to love some beneficial positive attitude and action rather than give negative instructions as to what one should not do.
die out by their patient suffering. One who aspires to realize his pure self should only patiently suffer them and be free from them for ever.
I am not the body. I am the knowing pure self different from my body. Besides I am always eternal. This suffering of mind or body has resulted as fruit of my deeds of my past but it cannot destroy or harm my natural pure self so I should not be sorry for it.
This is the proper attitude of the self-searching person, towards all mental or bodily miseries.
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Vavania, Ashad Sud First,
Thursday, V.S. 1956
OM May you all best amongst the monks and always merciful, receive my salutations.
Aryan men and women have no ojection in spending four months of monsoon in places where substance, place, time and circumstance or mental dispositions are congenial.
For example suppose a person observes Samayik Vrata in the customary way, instead of opposing it, advise him to spend that time in hearing positive religious instructions, or in the study of approved religious texts or in Kayotsarga or keeping in a set bodily posture and mentally aspire for disowning the body. Try to inspire him firmly for adopting pure religious behaviour without giving him even a semblance of your opposition to Samayika and other observances to his or her heart. By directly or straight advising the said person he or she may be excited to oppose you and may say to you that your advice is not correct and thereby he or she may blame you and may leave the religious activity concerned. Such is the nature of custom intoxicated persons, and other people may feel that you have directly opposed the customary religious activities. Therefore keep yourselves away from all differences of religious practices, be in the middle way or impartial and while serving the good of your self, request or advise others to promote the good of their selves and in this way try to show them the path of the enlightened saints by showing them the consistency between knowledge and appropriate action or behaviour and providing it reasonably or logically. This is the fine way for removing all wrong impressions and actions.
In this monsoon season twice religious instructions and once taking food and taking measured sleep and the spare time should be spent in self reflection, reading padmanandhi and such other religious texts and meditating on the nature of one self. This should be the order of the day. When any person male or female sometimes puts any question to you then give proper solutions so as to bring peace to the questioner.
See that there is no sloth or idleness in realizing good of your self and at the same time let others hear you saying such good instructions as may spiritually benefit their good by developing their