Such true desire for total release mostly is enkindled in a spiritual aspirant by the personal contact of the enlightened saint. Because such contact knowing it as right spiritual contact, the confirmation by him of the correctness of the spiritual path advised by such a saint, and strict following of that path to release, are all very difficult to obtain.
Human life, hearing the teachings of an enlightened saint, self confirmation of the veracity of such teachings and acting on that path of release advised by the saint all these are difficult to be together. This is said by Shri Vardhamanswami in the third Adhyayana of Uttaradhyana.
The spiritual aspirants who are fortunate to have the contact of a living spiritual saint and who move with him always surrendering themselves totally to him easily secure generally all means of self realization with a small effort and in a short time, But to have such personal contact is very difficult. Every spiritual aspirant constantly searches for being in such personal spiritual contact of a living saint.
But such spiritual personal contact is very difficult in all times and in such present more obstructive times it is still more difficult. More rare are spiritual saints in these times and so the gain of such personal contact is unprecedented and unique. Knowing this well, a spiritual aspirant should confirm the path of his release by the teachings of all spiritual saints of the past and should constantly meditate on that path till they meet an enlightened saint.
In case he is not fortunate to meet such a saint, then he should quell all his mental dispositions of beginning worldly activities and those of worldly acquisitions and he should engage himself in reading the spiritual scriptures. Even though spirtual aspirant may be very
active in worldly living, if he intends to minimize it with strong determination, he can do it so as to enable himself in knowing the spiritual truths stated in spiritual scriptures by spending more time in their study.
One who has been sorry at worldly beginning and acquisitions and knowing them to be fruitless, has kept away from them, to him contact of spiritual saints and hearing of spiritual truths expressed in scriptures bring more beneficial results. Because a person attached to worldly life can hardly put full faith in spiritual contact or the teaching of an enlightened saint retiring from worldly attachments and acquisitions and turning one's mind to reading religious scriptures become difficult for a spiritual aspirant at first because such a person's prakriti or nature of his living body is quite different from what a contact of a saint or his teaching would advise or advocate. Even still one who is determined to have spiritual contact has in the past succeeded in doing so, knowing this, one should advance with full faith in these spiritual means for self realization.
All spiritual aspirants should note this fact and follow daily spiritual discipline by leaving any slackness and irregularity.
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Mumbai, Ashadha Vad First,
Thursday, V-S-1953 The enlightened saint who approves all activities starting from a desire for one's welfare to the stage of the completely self-realized souls, will never say a word of opposition to renunciation and nonattachment. First come renunciation and non-attachment as means