Mostly I shall not be able to write replies to your questions as my mental condition continues to remain as described above.
Please write to me occasionally what at present you read or reflect on or what else you do now.
I wish renunciation but I am not able to do it. Even if I make this renunciation as agreeable to your desire, yet even that much is not possible at present. Salutation to you from non-different knowing self.
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able to write to you for a long time. You should forgive me for it because my mental condition is like that of a non-attached or a disembodied soul and so I experience want of arrangement in all activities so there is no go from such condition for some specific period of time.
Many enlightened great men have been in the past but amongst them very few have been having worldly life like mine and at the same time experiencing indifference, extreme indifference to all mental and bodily worldly activities. Because of worldly actions I am not undisturbedly thinking about my real self or it is done as secondary and so much of my time is spent in carrying out worldly activities but in that too developing total indifference I cannot steady my mind. Therefore the enlightened saints abandon all attachments and move in the world spiritually without any let or hindrance of any kinds. The final meaning of all contact is that contact with the world which principally hinders keeping one's mind or attention to self meditation or self knowledge. This is stated by me in short. And I constantly aspire for total abandonment of all worldly contacts both externally and internally spiritually. Even in the very embodied state a man can be totally non-attached this is my irrevocable experience. Because I am definitely going to achieve the same state of total non attachment in this very living body of mine. My self continuously tells it to me and it is a fact necessarily it is the fact. Let the dust of the lotus like feet of the totally non-attached Lord Mahavira bless my head day and night. This is my strong desire. Extremely difficult total nonattachment is extremely surprising, still such a state of life is secured in this very embodied life-this is indubitable. My life can secure it as it is completely fit for it. My indifference to the world cannot get away without realizing the same total non-attached or non-embodied condition. This is possible and it will be so.
Mumbai, Falgun Vad Fifteenth
Monday, V.S. 1948 Towards Shri Subhagya who is an embodiment of rest and who is like my heart from the point of view of my real self, let my salutation in all humility reach him.
In the state of my real self I experience natural Samadhi or right state of my mental concentration. Because of external adjuncts, I have to steady my mind in concentration of myself i.e. samadhi.
I know that these extemal adjuncts have come to me in order that I can with my firmness achieve in a short time what I may achieve after a long time without them.
I have received many letters from you and I have mostly read the story about knowledge written in them and I acknowledge that I have not written replies to all your questions of your letters. I should be excused for the same you have occasionally written in your letters