Glory of the Yoga of Inner Sound
It is essential to practise bindu dhyan, drishti- yoga or the Yoga of Inner Light before doing näda dhyan (meditation on inner sound), because with continued practice of drishti yoga (Yoga of Inner Light) the ability to do nāda dhyān is easily gained. The mind gets completely controlled with näda dhyan. The mind does not merely get controlled, it rather dies down. Sant Charandas Ji has depicted it exquisitely:
"Since when I perceived the Divine Sound ricocheting within, all the organs became completely exhausted, the mind got dissolved or died, and all the longings were roasted."
How did this happen? He further elaborates,
"on turning the drishti (sight) inwardly (i.e. practising drishii yoga), and on perceiving the inner sound, the body turned motionless, every pore of it got soaked in divine bliss, and all lethargy, quite naturally, fled away."
It is why Kabir Sahab taught,
"Subjugate the mind by finding the (inner) sound; this precisely is the sahaja (natural) yoga.
The True or Unstruck Word is our very essence; this body of ours is otherwise unreal or impermanent."
Sant Charandas Ji further says,
"By meditating on the Word, the practiser becomes the same as God or Brahman.
Doing this way, says Charandas Ji, all obstacles are removed."
In Nadavindu Upanishad it has been said about the Nada Dhyan that,
"Sidelining all worries and all efforts...
One should mainly focus on the exploration of nāda. By doing thus the mind gets dissolved in the nada.
The mind thus absorbed in the nada does not crave anymore for the sensory objects."
Nada itself is Brahma. We should absorb our mind in this very nada. Adi Shankaracharya has stated in Yogatārāvali:
"Lord Shiva, the propounder of Yoga Shastra, has listed 1,25,000 ways of dissolution of mind.
Amongst these nädänusandhana (meditation on the inner sound) is the best as well as the easiest way.
I bow to thee, O nada! You elevate me on to the highest throne.
It is only with your grace that my prana-vayu (vital life-air) and my mind get dissolved in the highest echelon of the Supreme Lord.
(Therefore,) renouncing all sorts of worries and with an alert & focussed mind...