train, and the protecting' PANCHARAKSHÁ, be propitious to you — I adore them.
3. May RATNAGARBHA, DIPANKARA, the Jina MANIKUSUMA, VIPASYÍ, Sikhi, ViSWABIIÚ, KAKUTSA", KANAKA, the Muni of Munis KÁŠYAPA, and Sákya SINHA', the Buddhas past, present, and future, the ocean of whose excellence is not to be passed by the ten faculties, be propitious to you -I adore them.
4. May the chief of sages and saints, the excellent son of Jina, AVALOKITEŚWARA, may MAITREYA, ANANTAGANJA, VAJRAPÁNI, and the great chief MANJUNÁTH, SARVANIVARANA, and the illustrious pair KSHITIGARBHA and KHAGARBHA', be propitious to you-I adore them.
These Goddesses are considered by Mr. Hodgson as belonging to the genuine Bauddha system and the Swábhávika school-being spontaneous manifestations of matter, like other existent beings, man included. Some of them are known by other names, as SAMPATPRADÁ, the giver of wealth, is also VASUNDARÁ, the earth - KITIVARAVADANÁ, the hog-faced, is also MARíCII, perhaps intending Radiance; KOTILAKSILÁKSIII, the innumerably-eyed, is named PRATINGIRÁ. The Pancharaksháh, the five Rakshas, or protecting powers, are styled PRATISARÁ, MALÁSAHASRAPRAMARDDINÍ, MALLÁMAYÚRI, MAHÁSETAVATÍ, and MAJIÁMANTRÁNUSÁRIŃÍ. Without possessing the legends attached, no doubt, to each it would be unsafe to analyse these terms.
? We have here Ten mortal Buddhas. The last seven have been already the object of remark. The three first are assigned by some, not the best authorities, to the Satya yuga.
3 These vine are Bodhisattwas, supposed to bear to the Dhyani, or celestial Buddhas, the relation of Sous: thus -