Sri Keśava Áchárya and Bhumi Devi; and, as before, an incarnation of Sesha. He was born at Perumbur, and studied at Kánchi, or Conjeveram, where also he taught his system of the Vaishnava faith. He afterwards resided at Sri Ranga, worshipping Vishńu as Šri Ranga Nátha, and there composed his principal works, he then visited various parts of India, disputing with the professors of different creeds, overcoming them of course, and reclaiming various shrines, then in possession of the Saivas, for the worshippers of Vishnu, particularly the celebrated temple of Tripeti.
On his return to Sri Ranga, the disputes between the Vaishnava and Saiva religions, became exceedingly violent, and the Chola monarch, who according to some accounts, was at that time KERIKÁLA CHOLA, subsequently named KŘIMI KOŃÚA CHOLA, being a devout worshipper of Siva, commanded all the Brahmans in his dominions to sign an acknowledgement of the supremacy of that divinity, bribing some of the most refractory, and terrifying others into acquiescence. RÁMÁNUJA, however, was impracticable, and the king sent armed men to seize bim. With the assistance of his disciples, he effected his escape, and ascending the Gháts, found refuge with the Jain sovereign of Mysore, VitalA Deva, Vellála Ráya. In consequence of rendering medical service to the daughter of this prince, or in the terins of the legend, expelling an evil spirit, a Brahma Rákshasa, by whom she was possessed, he obtained the monarch's grateful regard, and finally converted him to the Vaishnava