mission, taught by some of his disciples, and are, consequently, regarded by the learned Brahmans in general, as the only orthodox and allowable forms in the present day1. The Saiva faith was instituted by PARAMATA KÁLÁNALA, who is described as teaching at Benares, and assuming the insignia that characterise the Dandis of modern times. The Vaishnava worship was taught at Kanchi, or Conjeveram, by LAKSHMAŃA ÁCHÁRYA and HASTÁMALAKA; and the latter seems to have introduced a modified adoration of VISHNU, in the character of KRISHNA. The Saura sect was continued under the auspices of DIVÁKARA, Brahmachári, and the Sakta, under those of the Sannyasí, TRIPURAKUMÁRA: the Gáńapatya were allowed to remain under the presidence of GIRIJAPUTRA, and from such persons as had not adopted either of the preceding systems, BATUKANÁTH, the professor of the Kápálika, or Bhairava worship, was permitted to attract followers: all these teachers were converts and disciples of SANKARA,
कलावस्मिन्युगे नानापापध्वस्तज्ञानाङ्करेषु मत्येषु शुद्धाद्वैतविद्यायामनधिकारिषु तेषां वृत्तिः पुनरपि यथेप्सिता भवतीति विचार्य लोकरक्षार्थ वर्णाश्रमपरिपालनार्थं च परमतत्त्वकल्पनां जीवेशभेदास्पदां च रचयितुमुपक्रम्य निजशिष्यमाह ।
In the present impure age, the bud of wisdom being blighted by iniquity, men are inadequate to the apprehension of pure unity; they will be apt, therefore, again to follow the dictates of their own fancies, and it is necessary for the preservation of the world, and the maintenance of civil and religious distinctions, to acknowledge those modifications of the divine spirit which are the work of the SUPREME. These reflexions having occurred to ANKARA, he addressed his disciple, &c.