although possibly intended to characterise the genus, will not direct us to the discovery of its origin or history. The Kshapanaka again has always been described by Hindu writers as a Bauddha, or sometimes even a Jaina naked mendicant: in the work before us he appears as the professor of a sort of astrological religion, in which' time is the principal divinity, and he is described as carrying, in either hand, the implements of his science, or a Gola Yantra, and Túrya Yantra, the foriner of which is an armıllary sphere, and the latter a kind of quadrant, apparently for ascertaining time; from the geographical controversy that occurs between him and SANKARA, it appears that he entertains the doctrine regarding the descent of earth in space, which is attributed by the old astronomers to the Bauddhas, and controverted by the author of the Súrya Siddhánta", and subsequently by BLÁSKARA: the former is quoted by SANKARA, according to our author. These doctrines, the commentators on BHÁSKARA's work, and
| Time is the Supreme Deity. İswara cannot urge on the present. He who knows time knows BRATIMA. Space and time are not distinct from God.
किञ्च कालः परमदेवता । प्रत्यक्षञ्च लयितुमीश्वरो न समर्थः ।
कालविद्ब्रह्मविदिति दिक्कालौ नेश्वरादतिरिच्यते ॥ ' तय॑यन्त्रं मण्डलचतभीगमित्यर्थः। The Túrya Yantra is the fourth part of an orb.
तत्र यन्त्रोपरि कीलद्वयमखिलं कृत्वा ।
तन्मध्ये दृष्ट्वा च विज्ञानेन कालज्ञानं जायते ॥ Fixing above it two pins, and looking between them, the time is ascertained by science.
3 [at least implicitly in the sloka XII: 32.] A. R. XII: 229.