is ascribed to RÚPA, and Rasamaya Kaliká, on devotedness to KńshŃa, to SanÁTan. Other Sanskrit works are enumerated amongst the authorities of this sect, as the Chaitanya Chandrodaya, a drama*, Stava Mala, Stavámrita Lahari, by VIŠVANÁTH CHAKRAVARTÍ; Bhajanámrita, Sri Smarańa Darpanu, by RÁMCHANDRA Kavirája; the Gopipremámrita, a comment on the Krishna Karnámrita, by KKISHĽA DÁs Kavirája; and the Krishna Kirtana, by Govind Dás and VidYÁPATI. -— The biographical accounts of ChaiTanya have been already specified in our notice of the Chaitanya Charitámíita, and besides those, there enumerated, we have the Chaitanya Mangala, a history of the saint, by LOCHANA, and the Gauraganoddeśa dipikú, an account of his chief disciples. The principal works of common reference, and written in Bengali, though thickly interspersed with Sanskrit texts, are the Upasanáchandrámrita, a ritual, by Láu Dás, the Premabhakti Chandriká, by Thákur Gosáin, the Páshanda Dalana, a refutation of other sects, by RÁDHÁMÁDHAVA, and the Vaishnava Varddhana, by Daivaki NANDANA. There are no doubt many other works circulating amongst this sect, which is therefore possessed of a voluminous body of literature of its own
The particulars of the above are taken chiefly from the CHAITANYA CHARITÁ MŘITA, others from the Upásaná Chandrámrita, and a few from the list given by Mr. WARD: “Account of the Hindus", Vol. 2, 448.