commemoration of the dance of the frolicsome deity with the sixteen Gopís. This last is a very popular
eighth day of the calendar, or civil day, whilst some of the Rámánujas, and the Nimávats regulate the duration of their fast by the moon's passage through the asterism Rohini. The consequence is, that the Smártas often fast on the 7th, one set of Vaishnavas on the Sth, and another on the 9th, whilst those who affect great sanctity sometimes go thirty hours without food; an extract from last year's calendar will very well exemplify these distinctions.
3rd Bhadra, 17th August 1825, Tuesday, Saptamí, 10 Dandas 17 Palas. The Janmashtami Vrata and a Fast.
4th Bhádra, 18th August, Wednesday, Ashtami, 9 Dandas 18 Palas. Fast according to the Vaishnavas of Braj.
5th Bhadra, 19th August, Thursday, Navami, 7 Dandas 4 Palas. Rohini Nakshatra, till 10 Dandas 52 Palas, at which hour Párana, the end of the fast.
Now the 3d day of the Solar Bhadra was the 7th of the Lunar Month, but it comprised little more than ten Dandas or four hours of that lunation: as it included sun - rise, however, it was the 7th of the calendar, or civil day. The eighth Tithi, or lunation, therefore, began about that time, or four hours after sunrise, and the Smártas, Saivas, and Saktas observed the fast on that day; they began with sun-rise, however, as there is a specific rule for the Sankalpa, or pledge, to perform the usual rite at dawn. This Ashtami comprised midnight, and was the more sacred on that account
The 4th of Bhadra was the Ashtami, or eighth of the Vaishnavas, although the lunation only extended to 9 Dancias, or less than four hours after sun-rise, but they are particularly enjoined to avoid the Saptami, or the Ashtami conjoined with it, and therefore they could not commence their fast earlier, although they lost thereby the midnight of the eighth lunation, which they were, consequently, compelled to extend into the night of the ninth. They fasted till the next morning, unless they chose to eat after midnight, which, on this occasion, is allowable.