instances by the want of ready communication between the editor and the printer, the reader is referred to the Index. However desirable, too, it would have been to verify the many quotations contained in the Notes, this has been found practicable only so far as some access to the printed literature of India enabled the editor to trace them. With regard to those of them which he has failed to verify he must plead as his excuse that he undertook and carried on the work of editing with but little time to spare from his other avocations. The verifications which he has succeeded in tracing, and the references and few other additions he has thought necessary to make, are enclosed in brackets []; and he hopes that the volume, in the attractive garb, which publishers and printer have combined to give it, may not be the less welcome both to the student of Hindu literature and antiquities, and to everyone to whom the improvement of the religious condition of the Hindus is at heart. St. Augustine's College, Canterbury; Oct. 18, 1861.
R. R.