struggle with the Drug) and no one escapes him (as said before)
58. Yahmad haka naêkis bungayâd aoshanguhatām mashyânãm (From whom not one of mortal men can escape ').
From whom not one of mortal men can escape ; no one has escaped to this day, and no one will escape hereafter.
59. Nóid aêthrapatayo, nôid danhupatayô, nôid sâsevistau, nồid asevistau ( Neither aêthrapaitis, nor chiefs of countries, neither well-doers, nor evildoers')
Neither the herbed (the Mobedân Mobed ), nor the chief of the country (the King of kings), neither well-doers, nor evil-doers.
60. Nôid usyāstako, nôid niya (Neither those who run up, nor those who go down ).
Neither those who run up (those who fly in the empty sky), like Kahộs *; with all his strength and kingly glory, he could not escape from Astivihad.
61. Nor those who go down deep (who hide themselves under the earth), like Afräsyâb the Turk, who made himself an iron palace under the earth, a thousand times the height of a man, with a hundred columns 6;
62. In that palace he made the stars, the moon, and the sun go round, making the light of day.
63. In that palace he did everything at his pleasure,
64. And he lived the happiest life.
1 Cf. $ 40.
The chief of the religion, the high-priest. The Shâbanshah.
Cf. above, p. 262, note 7. • See Yt. V, 41 and notes 1, 2.
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