II. And introduce it to Auhrmazd and the Amshaspands!
12. Usehistad Vohû-Manô haka gâtvô zaranyôkeretô (Up rises Vohû-Manô from his golden throne 1').
13. He will take the blessed one by the hand,
14. And make him rejoice as much as does the man who rejoices most when on the pinnacle of nobility and glory.
15. And the Fravashis of the righteous will bring to the soul of the blessed those blessed aliments that are made at the time of Maidyô-zarm 2:
16. Hvarethanam hê beretãm zaremayêhê raoghnahê (Let them bring unto him the butter of Maidhyôi-zaremaya 3 !').
Aliments of waters, wine, sugar, and honey!
17. Yatha vâ erezatô paiti, yatha vâ zaranyo paiti, yatha vâ kâkid gaonanam ('Of silver, or gold, or any other kind *').
The Amshaspand Vahman will give to the soul of the blessed one clothes embroidered with gold and a golden throne;
18. And the demon Ahriman will be powerless to inflict any harm or damage on the soul of the blessed one.
19. Paska parairistîm daêva drvantô duzdaungho baodhem avatha frateresenti, yatha maêshi vehrkavaiti vehrkâd haka frateresaiti ('The wicked evil
* See Yt. XXII, p. 318, note 1.
1 Vd. XIX, 31. Yt. XXII, 18.
This refers to the following details: silver, gold, &c. are the materials of which the throne is made.
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