IV. The Libations'. 65. How many Zaothras shall a man bring for one head of cattle ?- Four.
As many for two, as many for three; For four, one more for each head. How much gaona shall he pull out ? As much as he can seize on a space of two fingers, Either on the right hand of the gaona part, Or on the summit of the head.
Of all of them he shall throw the gaona into the fire.
66. Of liquid milk how much shall the man bring to a running stream*? - As much as a cup for libation contains
Of milk in cheese three times as much as the cup for mixing and dividing contains ;
Of meat as much as four asti (?). .. 67. Of liquid milk how much shall he bring to the water in a pond? Three times as much as the cup for mixing and dividing contains.
Åthro ahurahê mazdau puthra mad vispaĉibyő átereby garðis usi-darenahe mazdadhâtahe asha-hváthrahê.
Yaunghãmkå-yazamaide- Ahurem Mazdım-Amesa Spentã-humatanăm-srîrem (H.-srîm T.) aredumem.
Yênhê hátām-humatanãm-4 Y. A. V. 3 A.V.
1. On the number of zöhrs (to be taken from a head of cattle' (Dinkart, 1. 1. $ 11). The goat furnishes the milky element, the giv, for the zohr. : Hair?
• The hairy part ? • As an âp-zôhr to a running stream. • A zaothrô-barana (zhr-barân; Visp. X, 2). • Cf. Vd. XIV, 8.
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