And offer the libations to the Waters,
And sing the six stanzas of the Gatha Spentamainyu;
He may, without guilt, sing the rest of the Gâthas after sunset.
II e. The Aiwisrathrim Gâh. 51. From what hour does the celebration of the Aiwisrathrima Gåthas proceed ?
It continues from sunset to midnight; Thus both in summer time and in winter time.
III. The offerings for the Gâhân bârs. 52. If an honest man, Working hard and teaching the Holy Wisdom', Have no sufficient living, And dream of getting sufficient meat; If such a one only 8 recite (the prayers),
He who celebrates the festival“ cannot charge him with non-celebration;
For as far as he recites (the prayers), he has celebrated the festival,
53. But men who live like robbers and highwaymen,
In knavery, brigandage, and debauchery every night,
* A profession which brings no great income to those who exer. cise it.
s•They have bread, they have no meat,' and cannot therefore offer any meat for the Gáhânbår.
• Without making any offering. • The rich man who provides the offerings.
o 'He has as much merit as if he had presented pious people with a thousand goats big with kids' (Comm.), which is the reward promised for the celebration of the first Gâhânbår (Afringân G4hân. $ 7).
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