48. From what hour may the sacrifice to the Good Waters' be offered ?
It continues from sunrise to sunset ; Thus both in summer time and in winter time. He who offers libations to the Good Waters, After sunset and before sunrise, Does no better deed
Than if he should throw them downright into the jaws of a venomous snake ?
II c. The Rapithwin Gåh. 49. At what hour does the celebration of the Rapithwina Gathas begin ?
From Rapithwa to the middle of the afternoon.
II d. The Uzirin Gâh. 50. At what hour does the celebration of the Uzayêirina Gâthas begin ?
From the middle of the afternoon to sunset; Thus it is in summer. In winter, if, before sunset, one sing the Ahuna
Ahurahé khsnaothra [yasnâika] od frasastayaêka a pash våg vakhdanisn.
Fra te staomaidê Ahurâne Ahurahê vangheus yasnāska vahmãska huberetîska usta-beretiska vanta-beretîska yazatanãm, thwa ashaonām kukhsnîsa us bî barâmi, rathwaska berezato, gâthauska sråvayðid fra te staomaidi.
Miâ î razăgăda. Ashahê vahistahê athraska Ahurahê Mazdau yispaêsãm. Ashahê vahistahe athraska Ahurahê Mazdau puthra.
The so-called âp-zôhr (Yasna LXIII seq.; see the Guimet Zend-Avesta, I, 392-425).
Cf. Vd. VII, 79.
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