7. Yo anyêhê aperenâyûkahê anakhtô (read anâhakhtô) athaurunem paranghakâi (read paranghakâiti), Pasca hâra (read yâra ?) tanûm parayêiti.
Yad aêsa yôi aperenâyûkô sraosi vâ anutakaitė, Aokhtô và hệ aokhtê thwâd pairi anguha (read pairi-angha),
Paska hathra à fra-sruiti (read afrasruiti) sê paiti tanûm parayêitê a.
8. Ahmi nmânê anghê vîsê ahmi zaëtvô anghê danghvô kvad bis ayau vitayau (read vikayau) anghen?
Yugayastis haka nmâd atha danghôid visad hâthrem zantaod â danghaod,
Yatha dâityâ spasanya,
Yatha para vayêô nmânemka visemka zanteuska dangheuska.
9. Âad yad hê aokhtê aêsa yênhê aperenâyûkô : Hakanguha mê hana (read ana ?) aperenayaka, Yatha vashi atha hakhshaêtê,
Vana paskaiti uzdanguhukid patha hakhtôid, Kvad anâbdôistem ayanem paranghakaitê?
Yâ frayarena vâ uzayêirinê vâ avăn aiwyâstis anghad.
• Yênhê aokhtô aêså yênhê aperenâyûkâi.
1 To have illicit intercourse with her, by force or otherwise. 9 By force.
* Without leave from the parent on whom the child depends. As assistant-priest; cf. § 40.
* If the child goes willingly, not by force.
Or perhaps if [the child] say.'
↑ A mile.
• Without singing' the Gâthas, that is to say, without performing the ceremony for which he has taken the child with him. Taking the child farther would amount to kidnapping.
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