1. Mazdau avad od ol vakhshad mananghau (Yasna XXXI, 6 c).
VI. 2. Frôtâis vispâis kanvató frafrâ peretům (Yasna XLVI, 10 e).
VII. 3. Vehrkải hizvām adadhâiti yô razrazdâi (read azrazdai) mathrem kistê.
VIII. 4. Mà kis ad ve dregvatô mấthráskā gūstà sâsnauska (Yasna XXXI, 18 a).
5. Azt demanem vfsem và shoithrem va dahyum và adid (ibid., b).
6. Dusitaka marekaêka atha is růstâk sâzdům snaêthisâ (ibid., c).
The missing paragraphs are those which contain no Zend quotations.
? Mazda reigns in man when Good Thought (Vohu Mano) is predominant in him; that is to say, he reigns in the righteous and through the righteous.
8. All those whom I shall impel to address their prayers to you, 0 Ahura Mazda l' that is to say, all those whom I shall win to Ahura's worship.
The Aharmôk (the heretic): thereby the Aharmók grows more violent in the world' (Comm.)
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