VENDIDAD XVIII, 14. barôithrô-taêzem.— His sharp-pointed weapon.'
Said of Sraosha, who goes through the bright Hvaniratha Karshvare, holding in his hands his sharp-pointed weapon' (Yasna LVII, 31).
hutâ 1 frashusaiti Sraoshð ashyo.—'The pious, sovereign Sraosha advances' (over Arezahi and Savahi].
VENDIDAD XVIII, 44. "As large as the top joint of the little finger' (Vd. VI, 10).
VENDÎDÂD XVIII, 70. The word afsmanivau’ is interpreted :
yad antare veredhka marega (W. asma-rega; read sparega (?)= Persian siparz).-- What is between the kidneys and the spleen.'
VENDIDÂD XIX, 41. nazdistâd danhâvô yaozdathryâd haka frakairê frakerenaod vâstre verezyðid pasus-hvarethem gavê hvarethem.—When he has been cleansed in the next inhabited place, he may then sow and till the pasture fields, as food for the sheep and food for the ox 8'
hota is the Pazand transcription of khôtâi, translating ahdirya. i afsmanivau, entrails (?); see above, p. 207, note 2.
s Quoted, in an abridged form, in Farg. VIII, 103, with reference to the unclean man who finds himself in the country, far from any inhabited place.
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