1. Hail, bounteous bull?! Hail to thee, beneficent bull! Hail to thee, who makest increase! Hail to thee, who makest growth! Hail to thee, who dost bestow his part 2 upon the righteous faithful, and wilt bestow it on the faithful yet unborn! Hail to thee, whom the Gahi kills', and the ungodly Ashemaogha, and the wicked tyrant“.
II. 2 (3). 'Come, come on, O clouds, from up above, down on the earth, by thousands of drops, by myriads of drops :' thus say, O holy Zarathustra ! 'to destroy sickness, to destroy death, to destroy the sickness that kills", to destroy death that kills, to destroy Gadha and Apagadha.
3 (9). “If death come after noon, may healing come at eve!
'If death come at eve, may healing come at night!
'If death come at night, may healing come at dawn!
And showers shower down new water, new earth, new plants, new healing powers, and new healing.
III a.
4 (15). As the sea Vouru-kasha is the gathering
The primeval bull who was created by Ormazd and killed by Ahriman with the help of the Gahi. - Clause I is to be recited when one meets an ox or any kind of cattle, Gr. Rav. 386.
? Possibly, 'who dost kill the Gahi' (by means of gômêz). $ His daily food.
• The wicked kills animals, out of mere cruelty, beyond his needs (Yasna XXIX, 1; XXXII, 12, 14; XLVIII, 7). . Cf. Bund. III, 3, 6, 4.
Names of diseases.
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