well-formed Sraosha! This one is my fourth male who, either man or woman, being more than fifteen years of age, walks without wearing the sacred girdle and the sacred shirt ?.
55 (115). 'At the fourth step? we Daêvas, at once, wither him even to the tongue and the marrow, and he goes thenceforth with power to destroy the world of Righteousness, and he destroys it like the Yatus and the Zandas 8'
56 (117). The holy Sraosha, letting his club down upon her, asked the Drug: 0 thou wretched, worthless Drug, what is the thing that can undo that ?'
57 (118). The Drug demon answered : 'O holy, well-formed Sraosha! There is no means of undoing it;
58 (120). "When a man or a woman, being more than fifteen years of age, walks without wearing the sacred girdle or the sacred shirt.
59 (120). 'At the fourth step we Daêvas, at once, wither him even to the tongue and the marrow, and he goes thenceforth with power to destroy the world of Righteousness, and he destroys it like the Yâtus and the Zandas.
IV. 60 (122). Demand of me, thou upright one! of me who am the Maker, the most beneficent of all
1 The Kôstî and the Sadara; see above, p. 195, n. 3. It is the sin known as kusbåd duvârisni (Mainyô-i-khard II, 35; Arda Viráf XXV, 6).
s 'Going three steps without Köstî is only a three Sraosh& karana sin; from the fourth step, it is a tanáführ sin ' (Comm.)
The Yåt u is a sorcerer; the Zanda is an apostle of Ahriman,
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