her is his; so long shall he support her, until the whelps be born.
40 (112). 'If he shall not support her, so that the whelps come to grief, for want of proper support, he shall pay for it the penalty for wilful murder.'
41 (113). O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a bitch be near her time and be lying in the middle of a pasture-field, which is the worshipper of Mazda that shall support her?
42 (115). Ahura Mazda answered: 'He who sowed the pasture-field or whoso holds it, the care of supporting her is his; [so long shall he support her, until the whelps be born. If he shall not support her, so that the whelps come to grief, for want of proper support, he shall pay for it the penalty for wilful murder.]
43 (117). 'He shall take her to rest upon a litter of nemôvanta or of any foliage fit for a litter; so long shall he support her, until the young dogs are capable of self-defence and self-subsistence.'
44 (122). O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! When are the dogs capable of selfdefence and self-subsistence?
45 (123). Ahura Mazda answered: 'When they are able to run about in a circuit of twice seven houses around'. Then they may be let loose, whether it be winter or summer.
'Young dogs ought to be supported for six months, children for seven years 3.
1 Probably the distance of one yugyêsti; cf. Farg. XIII, 17. ⚫ Catulos sex mensibus primis dum corroborentur emitti non oportet... (Columella, De re agraria, VII, 12).
The age when they are invested with the Kosti and Sadere, and become members of the Zoroastrian community.
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