of body against the evil-doer, when sound of mind and watchful over your goods.
40 (112). 'And whosoever shall awake at his voice, O Spitama Zarathustra! neither shall the thief nor the wolf carry anything from his house, without his being warned; the wolf shall be smitten and torn to pieces; he is driven away, he melts away like snow '.'
41 (115). O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! Which of the two wolves deserves more to be killed, the one that a he-dog begets of a she-wolf, or the one that a he-wolf begets of a she-dog?
Ahura Mazda answered: 'Of these two wolves, the one that a he-dog begets of a she-wolf deserves more to be killed than the one that a he-wolf begets of a she-dog.
42 (117). For the dogs born therefrom fall on the shepherd's dog, on the house-dog, on the Vohunazga dog, on the trained dog, and destroy the folds; such dogs are more murderous, more mischievous, more destructive to the folds than any other dogs.
43 (121). And the wolves born therefrom fall on the shepherd's dog, on the house-dog, on the Vohunazga dog, on the trained dog, and destroy the folds; such wolves are more murderous, more
1 Doubtful.
'Ultroque gravis succedere tigrim
Ausa canis, majore tulit de sanguine foetum. Sed praeceps virtus ipsa venabitur aula: Ille tibi et pecudum multo cum sanguine crescet.' Gratius Faliscus, Cyneg. 165 seq.
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