Ahura Mazda answered: 'A thousand stripes with the Aspahe-astra, a thousand stripes with the Sraoshô-karana.'
I b. 5 (13). Which is the evil creature among the creatures of the Evil Spirit that from midnight till the sun is up goes and kills thousands of the creatures of the Good Spirit ?
6 (15). Ahura Mazda answered: “The daêva Zairimyangura”, which evil-speaking people call the Zairimyaka ®, this is the evil creature among the creatures of the Evil Spirit that from midnight till the sun is up goes and kills thousands of the creatures of the Good Spirit.
7 (18). And whosoever, O Zarathustra ! shall kill the daêva Zairimyangura, which evil-speaking people call the Zairimyâka, his sins in thought, word, and deed are redeemed as they would be by a Patet; his sins in thought, word, and deed are atoned for 8.
II. 8 (21). "Whosoever shall smite either a shepherd's dog, or a house-dog, or a Vohunazga dog, or a trained dogo, his soul when passing to the other world, shall Ayo howling louder and more sorely grieved than the sheep does in the lofty forest where the wolf ranges.
The tortoise (Frâmjî and Rivâyats). : "When not so called it is less strong' (Comm.) Zairimyâka is a lucky name, and means, as it seems, who lives in verdure ; Zairimyangura seems to mean the verdure-devourer.' : Cf. Farg. XIV, 5.
See $ 19, n. 2. SA hunting-dog.
• "From Paradise' (Comm.)
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