XXIII, 21.
fied butter or (place) two pieces of fuel (in the fire) reciting the two (verses called) Retasya.
21. Let him who was asleep when the sun rose remain standing during the day, continent and fasting, and him who was asleep when the sun set (remain in the same position) during the night, reciting the Gayatri.
22. He who has looked at an impure (person), shall look at the sun and restrain his breath (once).
23. Let him who has eaten forbidden food [or swallowed impure substances), (fast until) his entrails are empty.
24. (In order to attain that), he must entirely abstain from food at least for three (days and) nights.
25. Or (he becomes pure) after eating during seven (days and) nights fruits that have become detached spontaneously, avoiding (all other food).
26. (If he has eaten forbidden food mentioned above) before five-toed animals, he must throw it up and eat clarified butter.
27. For abuse, speaking an untruth, and doing injury, (he shall practise) austerities for no longer period than three (days and) nights.
21. Apastamba II, 5, 12, 22; Manu II, 220.
22. Manu V, 86. An impure person, i.e. a Kândâla and the like. This rule refers to a student (who sees such a person) while he recites the Veda.'-Haradatta.
23-24. Apastamba I, 9, 27, 3-4. My copies omit amedhyaprâsane vâ, or has swallowed impure substances, and the words are not required, as another penance has been prescribed for the case above, Sûtra 3. But see also Sâmavidhâna I, 5, 13.
26. Manu XI, 161. The Sätras referred to are XVII, 9-26.
27. Âpastamba I, 9, 26, 3. My copies read trirâtraparamam instead of trirâtram paramam. This reading, which seems pre
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