34. And the same (penance must be performed) by him who extinguishes the (sacred) fires, who neglects the daily recitation of the Veda, or (who is guilty) of a minor offence (upapataka),
35. Also by a wife who violates her duty (to her husband): but, being guarded, she shall receive food.
36. For committing a bestial crime, excepting (the case of) a cow, (he shall offer) an oblation of clarified butter, (reciting) the Kashmânda texts.
CHAPTER XXIII. I. They shall pour hot spirituous liquor into the mouth of a Brâhmana who has drunk such liquor ; he will be purified after death.
2. If he has drunk it unintentionally, (he shall drink) for three days hot milk, clarified butter, and water, and (inhale hot air. That (penance is called the Tapta-)krikkhra. Afterwards he shall be again initiated.
3. And (the same penance must be performed) for swallowing urine, excrements, or semen,
to the performance of these acts in the company of, not for unworthy people.
35. Manu XI, 189; Yâgñavalkya III, 297. 36. Manu XI, 174. Regarding the Kashmândas, see XIX, 12.
XXIII. 1. Apastamba I, 9, 25, 3. Haradatta remarks that other twice-born men also must perform the same penance in case they drink liquor forbidden to them, see above, II, 20 note. He also states that the offence must have been committed intentionally and repeatedly in order to justify so severe an expiation. Regarding the effect of the purification after death, see above, XX, 16.
2-3. Manu XI, 151; Yâgħavalkya III, 255; see also Âpastamba I, 9, 25, 10.
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