47. (The study) of those who offer a funeral sacrifice (must be interrupted) until the same time next day,
XVII, 6.
48. Even if uncooked grain is offered at the funeral sacrifice.
49. And (those rules regarding the stoppage of the reading must be observed), which they teach in the several schools.
1. A Brahmana may eat the food given by twiceborn men, who are praised for (the faithful performance of their) duties,
2. And he may accept (other gifts from them). 3. Fire-wood, water, grass, roots, fruits, honey, (a promise of) safety, food brought unsolicited, a couch, a seat, shelter, a carriage, milk, sour milk, (roasted) grain, small fish, millet, a garland, venison, and vegetables, (spontaneously offered by a man) of any (caste) must not be refused,
4. Nor anything else that may be required for providing for (the worship of the) Manes and gods, for Gurus and dependents.
5. If the means for sustaining life cannot (be procured) otherwise, (they may be accepted) from a Sûdra.
6. A herdsman, a husbandman, an acquaintance
49. Âpastamba I, 3, 11, 38.
47. Âpastamba ibidem. XVII. 1. Âpastamba I, 6, 18, 13. 3. Âpastamba I, 6, 18, 1; I, 6, 19, 13; Manu IV, 247-250.
4. Manu IV, 251. Gurus, i. e. parents and other venerable persons.
5. Âpastamba I, 6, 18, 14.
6. Manu IV, 253; Yagnavalkya I, 166.
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