ble on account of their learning, and of the Gurus of the latter.
VI, 4.
4. On meeting (several persons, to whom such a salutation is due), together, the most venerable (must be saluted first).
5. On meeting persons who understand (the rule of returning salutes) one shall salute (them) pronouncing one's name, and (saying), I N. N. (ho! salute thee).'
6. Some (declare that) there is no restrictive rule for salutations between man and wife.
4. Âpastamba I, 2, 6, 29; I, 2, 8, 19. 'On meeting his mother and other persons whose feet must be embraced, he shall first embrace the highest, i. e. the most excellent, afterwards the others. Who the most excellent is has been declared above, II, 50-51. 5. Âpastamba I, 2, 5, 12-15. Professor Stenzler reads agñasamavâye, while my copies and their commentary show that gñasamavâye has to be read. Besides, it seems impossible to make any sense out of the former reading without assuming that the construction is strongly elliptical. On meeting, i. e. on coming together with him who knows the rule of returning a salute, he shall utter, i. e. loudly pronounce his name, i. e. the name which he has received on the tenth day (after his birth), and which is to be employed in saluting, and speak the word "I" as well as the word "this." They declare that instead of the word "this," which here is explicitly prescribed, the word "I am" must be used. Some salute thus, "I Haradatta by name; others, "I Haradaltasarman ;" and the common usage is to say, "I Haradattasarman by name." Thus the salutation must be made. Salutation means saluting. The affix ak is added to causatives and the rest. With reference to this matter the rule for returning salutes has been described by Manu II, 126. . . . As (in the above Sûtra) the expression "on meeting persons knowing" is used, those who are unacquainted with the manner of returning a salute must not be saluted in this manner. How is it then to be done? It is described by Manu III, 123.'-Haradatta.
6. As Gautama says, "Some declare," the restrictive rule must, in his opinion, be followed.'-Haradatta.
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