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II, 6, 14.
3. On failure of them the spiritual teacher (inherits); on failure of the spiritual teacher a pupil shall take the deceased's wealth), and use it for religious works for the (deceased's) benefit, or (he himself may enjoy it);
4. Or the daughter (may take the inheritance).
5. On failure of all (relations) let the king take the inheritance.
6. Some declare, that the eldest son alone inherits.
7. In some countries gold, (or) black cattle, (or) black produce of the earth is the share of the eldest.
8. The chariot and the furniture in the house are the father's (share).
masculine singular 'sapindah' in the text precludes the possibility of including them under that collective term. It seems to me certain, that Âpastamba, like Baudhầyana, considered women, especially widows, unfit to inherit.
4. 'Some say "on failure of sons," others that the rule refers to the preceding Sûtra (i.e. that the daughter inherits on failure of pupils only).'-Haradatta. The latter seems to be the correct interpretation.
5. Because the word "all" is used, (the king shall take the estate) only on failure of Bandhus and Sagotras, i.e. gentiles within twelve degrees.'--Haradatta.
6. "The other sons shall live under his protection.'-Haradatta. Colebrooke, Mitâkshara, Chap. I, Sect. iii, Par. 6.
7. "" Black produce of the earth," i.e. black grain, or according to others black iron.'-Haradatta. Compare for this and the following Sätras Colebrooke, Mitâkshara, Chap. I, Sect. iii, Par. 6, and Digest, Book V, Text xlviii.
8. The translation given above agrees with what I now recognise to be Haradatta's explanation, and with Colebrooke, Mitâkshara, Chap. I, Sect. iii, Par. 6. Both the P. U. and Mr. U. MSS. of the Uggvalâ read rathah pituramso grihe yatparibhandam upakaranam pîthâdi tadapi, 'the chariot (is) the father's share; the furniture which (is) in the house, that also. To this reading Mahadeva's Uggvalk on the Hiranyakesi Sûtra points likewise, which gives pitur antah. The N. U. MS. of the Uggvalâ, according to which
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