Mârgandak, man, Bd. 81, 36, 40. Mesrkan r., Bd. 20, 7, 26. Marg-argân, see Worthy of death. Metal, melted, Bd. 80, 19, 20, 31, Marriage, refraining from, Sl. 10, 19. 32; origin of, Zs. 10, a. See also Next-of-kin.
Mezinan, town, Bd. 12, 32 n. Mars, planet, Bd. 5, 1.
Migîn m., Bd. 12, 29, 32 n. Marav or Marv, land, Byt. 3, 21. Mihir, angel, Byt. 2, 59 n. See MiMarv r., Bd. 12, 9n; 20, 7, 21; 21, 3. trô. Másbába, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
- nykyis, ritual, Sl. 17, 5n. Mâshya, man, Bd. 15, 6, 11, 19, 20, Mihran r., Bd. 80, 9 n.
30; 80, 1, 7; 31, 1; 32, in; Milk, see Sacred milk.
34, 3; Zs. 10, 4; Si. 10, 28 n. Millennium, Int. 40; Bd. 30, 2; Mashyoî, woman, Bd. 16, 6, 11, 20; 34, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7n, 9n; Zs. 1,
30, 1,7; 32, in; 34, 3; Zs. 10; Byt. 1, 5; 8, 32, 34, 41, 63; 10, 4; Sí. 10, 28 n.
8, 9, 11, 43, 44, 51-53, 61. Masvâk, man, Bd. 33, 5.
Minos, man, Bd. 31, 30. Matro, man, Bd. 16, 3.
Msîrak, man, Bd. 31, 4. Matrôyãô, woman, Bd. 16, 1. Mitôkht, demon, Bd. 1, 24; 28, 14, Mazanan demons, Si. 18, 6. See 16. Mâzînîkân.
Mitro, angel, Bd. 37, 34; Byt. 3, Mazda-ad-môi ha, SI. 18, II.
32-36, 47; SI. 82, 16; 23, 3; Mazdayasnian literature, Zs. 9, 10; month, Bd. 25, 7, 10. See Mihir.
Byt. 3, 35n; SI. 9, 9n; 10, - akâvid, man, Bd. 33, 6. 3 n, 4n, 13 n, 1 n, 25 n, 26 n, - ayâr, man, Bd. 32, 7 n. 28 n, 29 n; 12, 17n; - reli- - tarsah, man, Bd. 31, 29. gion, Bd. 29, 7; 33, inn.
- varâz, man, Bd. 39, 4. Mazdayasnians, Si. 12, 4; 13, 2; Miyán, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3.
religion of, Int. 9; Bd. 1, 2, 25; Miyân-i dast m., Bd. 12, 32. 11, 6; 12, 41; 33, 12; Byt. 1, Mộbad of môbads, Bd. 32, 5; 33, 3. o; 2, 2, 26, 46, 61; 3, 1, 32, Möbads (priests), Bd. 32, 4; 33, o, 41, 46, 49; SI. 12, 23.
9-11. Mazdîk, heretic, Byt. 1, 6; 2, 21. Môbadship of môbads, Byt. 3, 39. Mâzendarân, land, Bd. 3, 20 n; 18, Mokarstán, land, Bd. 20, 7. 15 n; 15, 28; 19, 5.
Monstrosities, human, Bd. 16, 5, 31. Mâzînikan demons, Bd. 3, 30. See Months, names of, Bd. 85, 20. Mazanân.
Moon reverence, Si. 7, 4; 12, 31. Measures, linear, Bd. 26, 1-3. Mortal sin, see Worthy of death. Meat, unfit for rites, Si. 10, 34; Mountains, Bd. 8, 1-5; 11, 4; 12,
when not to be eaten, Si. 17, 1-41; 18, 10, 11; 24, 17, 28; 1, 2.
Zs. 7, 1-7. Meat-offerings, Si. 10, 34; 11, 4-6; Mouth-veil, Si. 10, 40; 12, 4. 12, 8-10; 18, 4 n.
Muhammadanism, Si. 6, 7 n. Mediterranean sea, Bd. 13, 15n; Muhammadans, Byt. 8, 24 n; 8,11 20, 8n.
n; sl. 8, 58 n.. Mêdîyarêm, season, Bd. 26, 3. Mulla Firüz, Sl. 21, 2 n. Médők-mâh, com., Sl. 1, 3; 21, 11, Mumbai (Bombay), Byt. 3, 17 n. 12, 89; 5, 5, 6,
Murghab r., Bd. 20, 21 n. - shêm, season, Bd. 25, 3.
Muru, lun, man., Bd. 2, 3. Medyők-mâh, man, Bd. 32, 2, 3; Mûspar, comet, Bd. 5, 1, 2; 28,
33,1; Zs. 11, 10n; SI. 1, 3 n. Mebrá or Mebrvá r., Bd. 20, 7, 9. Musulman, Byt. 3, 3 n. Menstruation, see Woman.
Myazd, see Sacred feast. Mercury, planet, Bd. 5, 1; Byt. 3, 4. Myths, how treated, Int. 71, 72. Merkhinah m., Bd. 12, 38 n. Meshhed, town, Bd. 30, 150, 30n; Nabn, lun. man., Bd. 2, 3; Zs. 4, 22, 3 n.
8 n. Mesr, land, Bd. 30, 8.
Nâhvtâk r., Bd. 30, 340; 81, 6.
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