[5] Nay, they call the truth a lie when it comes to them, and they are in a confused affair 1.
Do not they behold the heaven above them, how we have built it and adorned it, and how it has no flaws?
And the earth, we have stretched it out and thrown thereon firm mountains, and caused to grow thereon every beautiful kind.
An insight and a reminder to every servant who repents!
And we sent down from the heaven water as a blessing, and caused to grow therewith gardens and the harvest grain !
[10] And the tall palm trees having piled up spathes, for a provision to (our) servants; and we quickened thereby a dead land; thus shall the resurrection be!
L, 5-15.
Before them the people of Noah and the fellows of ar Rass 2 and Thamûd and Âd and Pharaoh called the apostles liars; and the brethren of Lot and the fellows of the Grove and the people of Tubbâ'h all called the prophets liars, and the threat was duly executed.
Were we then fatigued with the first creation? nay! but they are in obscurity concerning the new creation.
[15] But we created man, and we know what his
1 Alluding to the various opinions expressed by the unbelievers with reference to the Qur'ân; some calling it sorcery or divination, others poetry, and some asserting it to be 'old folks' tales' or mere invention.
2 See Part II, p. 86, note 3.
8 See Part I, p. 249, note 3.
See Chapter XLIV, verse 35, p. 219, note 3.
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