XLI, 11-20.
adorned the lower heaven with lamps and guardian angels; that is the decree of the mighty, the knowing One.
But if they turn aside, then say, 'I have warned you of a thunder-clap like the thunder-clap of 'Âd and Thamud; when their apostles came to them from before them and from behind them (saying), "Serve ye none but God." They said, 'If our Lord pleased He would send down angels; so we in what y.e are sent with disbelieve.
And as for 'Âd, they were big with pride in the land, without right, and said, 'Who is stronger than us in might?' Did they not see that God who created them He was stronger than they in might? But they did gainsay our signs. [15] And we sent upon them a cold blast in unfortunate days, that we might make them taste the torment of disgrace in the life of this world ;-but the torment of the hereafter is more disgraceful, and they shall not be helped
And as for Thamûd we guided them; but they preferred blindness to guidance, and the thunderclap of the torment of abasement caught them for what they had earned; but we saved those who believed and who did fear.
And the day when the enemies of God shall be gathered together into the fire, marshalled along; until when they come to it, their hearing and their eyesight and their skins shall bear witness against them of that which they have done. [20] And they shall say to their skins, 'Why have ye borne witness against us?' they shall say, 'God gave us speech who has given speech to everything ; He created you at first, and unto Him shall ye be returned ;
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