we bow him down in his form; have they then no sense?
We have not taught him1 poetry, nor was it proper for him; it is but a reminder and a plain Qur'ân, [70] to warn him who is living; but the sentence is due against the misbelievers.
Have they not seen that we have created for them of what our hands have made for them, cattle, and they are owners thereof? and we have tamed them for them, and of them are some to ride, and of them are what they eat, and therein have they advantages and beverages; will they not then give thanks?
But they take, beside God, gods that haply they may be helped. [75] They cannot help them; yet are they a host ready for them 2.
But let not their speech grieve thee: verily, we know what they conceal and what they display.
Has not man seen that we have created him from a clot? and lo! he is an open opponent; and he strikes out for us a likeness; and forgets his creation; and says, 'Who shall quicken bones when they are rotten?' Say, 'He shall quicken them who produced them at first; for every creation does He know; [80] who has made for you fire out of a green tree, and lo! ye kindle therewith.'
Is not He who created the heavens and the earth able to create the like thereof? yea! He is the knowing Creator; His bidding is only, when He desires anything to say to it, 'BE,' and it is. Then celebrated be the praises of Him in whose hands is
1 Mohammed.
2 I. e. they are ready to defend their false gods.
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