10. And the Magadha ministers Suntdha and Vassakâra ordered excellent food, both hard and soft, to be prepared, and had meal-time announced (&c.1, down to :) on seats laid out for them. And the Magadha ministers Sunidha and Vassakâra with their own hands served and offered excellent food, both hard and soft, to the fraternity of Bhikkhus with the Buddha at its head; and when the Blessed One had finished his meal and cleansed his bowl and his hands, they sat down near him. When they were sitting near him, the Blessed One gladdened the Magadha ministers Sunidha and Vassakâra by these stanzas:
VI, 28, 12.
II. 'Wheresoe'er the prudent man shall take up his abode, let him support there good and upright men of self-control.
'Let him make offerings to all such deities as may be there. Revered, they will revere him; honoured, they honour him again;
'Are gracious to him as a mother to the son of her womb. And a man who has the grace of the gods, good fortune he beholds.'
And the Blessed One, having gladdened the Magadha ministers Sunidha and Vassakâra by these stanzas, rose from his seat and went away.
12. And the Magadha ministers Sunidha and Vassakâra followed the Blessed One from behind, saying, 'The gate the Samana Gotama goes out by to-day shall be called Gotama's gate, and the ferry at which he crosses the river Ganges shall be called Gotama's ferry.' And the gate the Blessed One went out by
1 See chap. 23. 5, &c. Instead of 'Lord,' read here, 'Reverend Gotama.'
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