VI, 32, 4.
of your bodies. Whosoever allows that, is guilty of a thullakkaya offence.'
4. Now at that time the Khabbaggiya Bhikkhus, since a surgical operation had been forbidden by the Blessed One, used a clyster 1.
They told this thing to the Blessed One. 'Is it true, as they say, O Bhikkhus, that the Khabbaggiya Bhikkhus use a clyster ?'
It is true, Lord.' He rebuked them, and having delivered a religious discourse, said to the Bhikkhus: No surgical operation is to be performed within a distance of two inches round the anus, and a clyster is not to be used. Whosoever does so, is guilty of a thullakkaya offence ?'
1. And the Blessed One, after having dwelt at Râgagaha as long as he thought fit, went forth to Benares. Wandering from place to place he came to Benares. There the Blessed One dwelt near Benares, in the deer-park Isipatana.
. At that time there were at Benares a devout layman Suppiya and a devout laywoman Suppiyâ who showed their faith in both ways: they were givers and doers, and devoted themselves to the service of the fraternity. And Suppiya, the laydevotee, went to the Arâma, and going around from Vihara to Vihara, and from cell to cell, she asked
· Vatthikamma. See Wise, 'Hindu Medicine,' pp. 143 and following.
. Surgical operations are allowed in 14. 5 and below.
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