VI, 13, 1.
4. Now at that time the ointment-sticks used to fall on the ground and become rough.
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
I allow, O Bhikkhus, the use of a case for the ointment-sticks 1.'
Now at that time the Bhikkhus used to carry the ointment-boxes and ointment-sticks about in their hands.
They told this thing to the Blessed One. 'I allow, O Bhikkhus, the use of a bag to put the ointment-box in.'
They had no shoulder strap.
'I allow, O Bhikkhus, the use of a shoulder strap (by which to carry the ointment-box), or of a thread (by which to sew or tie it on).'
1. Now at that time the venerable Pilindavakkha had head-ache?
'I allow, O Bhikkhus, the use of a little oil on the head.'
(The disease) became no better 3.
I allow, O Bhikkhus, the practice of taking up (medicine) through the nose.'
1 Salâkodhaniyan ti yattha salâkam odahanti susiradantakam và thalikan và anuganami 'ti attho (B.).
Sîsa bhitâpo, literally 'heat in the head.' • Compare Mahâ-parinibbâna Sutta II, 31, and below, 13. 2; 14. 3.
Natthu-kamma. In the commentary on the Dhammapada, pp. 83 and foll., there is an example of the way in which a physician administers medicinal oil in this manner to a sick Bhikkhu.
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