248 SVETASVATARA-UPANISHAD. the whole world, of all that rests and of all that moves.
19. Grasping without hands, hasting without feet, he sees without eyes, he hears without ears. He knows what can be known, but no one knows him ; they call him the first, the great person (purusha).
201. The Self, smaller than small, greater than great, is hidden in the heart of the creature. A man who has left all grief behind, sees the majesty, the Lord, the passionless, by the grace of the creator (the Lord).
21%. I know this undecaying, ancient one, the self of all things, being infinite and omnipresent. They declare that in him all birth is stopped, for the Brahma-students proclain him to be eternal4.
* Cf. Taitt. Âr. X, 12 (10), p. 800 ; Kath. Up. II, 20; above, P. II. The translation had to be slightly altered, because the Svetâsvataras, as Taittirîyas, read akratum for akratuh, and îsam for âtmanah.
2 Cf. Taitt. Âr. III, 13, 1; III, 12, 7. 3 A. reads vedârûdham, not B. * A. and B. read brahmavâdino hi pravada nti.
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