strong?, the giver of wealth. He who knows this obtains wealth.
25. This great, unborn Self, undecaying, undying, immortal, fearless, is indeed Brahman. Fearless is Brahman, and he who knows this becomes verily the fearless Brahman.
FIFTH BRÂHMANA? V 1. Yagñavalkya had two wives, Maitreyi and Kâtyâyani. Of these Maitreyi was conversant with lupa Brahman, but Kâtyâyani possessed such knowledge Settlem.! only as women possess. And Yâgñavalkya, when fin* he wished to get ready for another state of life (when he wished to give up the state of a householder, and retire into the forest),
2. Said, 'Maitreyi, verily I am going away from this my house (into the forest). Forsooth, let me make a settlement between thee and that Kâtyâyanî.'
3. Maitreyi said: 'My Lord, if this whole earth, full of wealth, belonged to me, tell me, should I be immortal by it, or no ?'
No, replied Yâgñavalkya, 'like the life of rich people will be thy life. But there is no hope of immortality by wealth.'
4. And Maitreyi said : What should I do with that by which I do not become immortal? What my Lord knoweth 3 (of immortality), tell that clearly to me.
5. Yâgñavalkya replied: "Thou who art truly dear to me, thou hast increased what is dear (to me in
1 Annâda is here explained as “ dwelling in all beings, and eating all food which they eat.'
2 See before, II, 4. 9 The Kânva text has vettha instead of veda.
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