· First BRÂHMANA. 1. When Ganaka Vaideha was sitting (to give audience), Yâgñavalkya approached, and Ganaka Vaideha said : Yagñavalkya, for what object did you come, wishing for cattle, or for subtle questions 1?'
Yâgñavalkya replied: 'For both, Your Majesty; 2. 'Let us hear what anybody may have told you.'
Ganaka Vaideha replied : 'Gitvan Sailini told me that speech (vâk) is Brahman.
Yagñavalkya said: 'As one who had (the benefit of a good) father, mother, and teacher might tell, so did Sailini 2 tell you, that speech is Brahman; for what is the use of a dumb person? But did he tell you the body (âyatana) and the resting-place (pratishthâ) of that Brahman?'
Ganaka Vaideha said: 'He did not tell me.'
Yâgñavalkya said: Your Majesty, this (Brahman) stands on one leg only!
Ganaka Vaideha said: “Then tell me, Yagñavalkya.'
1 Anv-anta, formed like Sætrânta, Siddhânta, and probably Vedânta, means subtle questions.
Roer and Poley give here Sailina; Weber also (pp. 1080 and 1081) has twice Sailina (Silinasyâpatyam).
* This seems to mean that Gitvan's explanation of Brahman is lame or imperfect, because there are four pâdas of that Brahman, and he taught one only. The other three are its body, its place, and its form of worship (pragñetîyam upanishad brahmanas katurthah pâdah). See also Maitr. Up.VII, p. 221.
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