did not rise. Then rubbing him with his hand, he woke him, and he arose.
16. Agâtasatru said : When this man was thus asleep, where was then the person (purusha), the intelligent ? and from whence did he thus come back?' Gârgya did not know this ?
17. Agâtasatru said: "When this man was thus asleep, then the intelligent person (purusha), having through the intelligence of the senses (prânas) absorbed within himself all intelligence, lies in the ether, which is in the heart. When he takes in these different kinds of intelligence, then it is said that the man sleeps (svapiti) Then the breath is kept in, speech is kept in, the ear is kept in, the eye is kept in, the mind is kept in.
18. But when he moves about in sleep (and dream), then these are his worlds. He is, as it were, a great king; he is, as it were, a great Brâhmana; he rises, as it were, and he falls. And as a great king might keep in his own subjects, and move about, according to his pleasure, within his own domain, thus does that person (who is endowed with intelligence) keep in the various senses (prânas) and move about, according to his pleasure, within his own body (while dreaming).
19. Next, when he is in profound sleep, and knows
first name was atishthâh sarveshâm bhûtânâm mûrdhâ râgâ. This throws an important light on the composition of the Upanishads.
1 The ether in the heart is meant for the real Self. He has come to himself, to his Self, i.e. to the true Brahman.
? Svapiti, he sleeps, is explained as sva, his own Self, and apiti for apyeti, he goes towards, so that'he sleeps' must be interpreted as meaning "he comes to his Self.' In another passage it is explained by svam apîto bhavati. See Sankara's Commentary on the Brih. Âr. Up. vol. I, p. 372.
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