SECOND ANUVÂKA. 1. Om!! Let us explain Sikshâ, the doctrine of pronunciation, viz. letter, accent, quantity, effort (in the formation of letters), modulation, and union of letters (sandhi). This is the lecture on Siksha.
THIRD ANUVÂKA. 1. May glory come to both of us (teacher and pupil) together! May Vedic light belong to both of us !
Now let us explain the Upanishad (the secret meaning) of the union (samhita)?, under five heads, with regard to the worlds, the heavenly lights, knowledge, offspring, and self (body). People call these the great Samhitâs.
First, with regard to the worlds. The earth is the former element, heaven the latter, ether their (union;
2. That union takes place through Vâyu (air). So much with regard to the worlds.
Next, with regard to the heavenly lights. Agni (fire) is the former element, Âditya (the sun) the latter, water their union. That union takes place through lightning. So much with regard to the heavenly lights.
Next, with regard to knowledge. The teacher is the former element,
3. The pupil the latter, knowledge their union. That union takes place through the recitation of the Veda. So much with regard to knowledge.
Next, with regard to offspring. The mother is
1 Cf. Rig-veda-prâtisâkhya, ed. M. M., p. iv seq. * Cf. Aitareya-âranyaka III, 1, 1 (Sacred Books, vol. I, p. 247).
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