sikharinàm prapatanam dhruvasya prakalanam vâtarûnâm nimagganam prithivyâh sthånå pasaranam surânâm. So 'ham ity etadvidhe 'smin samsâre kim kamopabhogair yair evåsritasya sakrid âvartanam drisyata ity uddhartum arhasi tyandodapânabheka ivâham asmin sam Bhagavas tvam gatis tvam no gatir iti. 7
Ayam agnir vaisvânaro yo 'yam antah purushe yenedam annam pakyate yad idam adyate tasyaisha ghosho bhavati yam etat karnâv apidhầya srinoti, sa yadotkramishyan? bhavati nainam ghosham srinoti. 8
Yathâ nirindhano vahnih svayonâv upasâmyati. 94
Sa sivah so ’nte vaisvânaro bhàtvå sa dagdhvâ sarvani bhûtâni prithivyapsu pralîyates, åpas tegasi lîyante ®, tego vâyau pralîyate?, vâyur âkâse vilîyate®, âkâsam indriyeshv, indriyâni tanmâtreshu, tanmâtrâni bhùtâdau vilîyante", bhūtādi mahati vilîyate 10, mahân avyakte viliyate 11, avyaktam akshare vilîyate 12, aksharam tamasi vilîyate 13, tama ekîbhavati parasmin, parastân na 14 san nasan na sad ityetan nirvanam anusâsanam iti vedânusâsanam,
We should distinguish therefore between the large Maitrayana-brâhmana-upanishad and the smaller Maitreyopanishad. The title of Maitreyî-brâhmana has, of course, a totally different origin, and simply means the Brâhmana which tells the story of Maitreyî 16.
As Professor Cowell, in the Preface to his edition and translation of the Maitrầyana-brâhmana-upanishad, has discussed its peculiar character, I have little to add on that subject. I agree with him in thinking that this Upanishad has grown, and contains several accretions. The Sanskrit commentator himself declares the sixth and seventh chapters to be Khilas or supplementary. Possibly the Maitreya-upanishad, as printed above, contains the earliest framework. Then we have traces of various recensions. Professor Cowell (Preface, p. vi) mentions a MS., copied
1 Maitr. Up. II, 6; p. 32. kramishyân, m. Yadhâ, m. • Maitr. Up. VI, 34 ; p. 178. lipyate. lipyante. ?liyyate. 8 lîyyate.
liyante. 10 liyyate. 11 lipyate. 1 liyyate. 13 liyyate. 1 tânasanna,
15 See Khând. Up. p. 623.
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