III, 1, 1.
1. At that time the Blessed One dwelt at Râgagaha, in the Veluvana, in the Kalandakanivâpa ?. At that time the retreat during the rainy season had not yet been instituted by the Blessed One for the Bhikkhus. Thus the Bhikkhus went on their travels alike during winter, summer, and the rainy season.
2. People were annoyed, murmured, and became angry, saying, ' How can the Sakyaputtiya Samanas go on their travels alike during winter, summer, and the rainy season? They crush the green herbs, they hurt vegetable life 2, they destroy the life of many small living things. Shall the ascetics who belong to Titthiya schools, whose doctrine is ill preached, retire during the rainy season and arrange places for themselves to live in 3 ? shall the birds make their nests on the summits of the trees, and retire during
1 See the note on I, 22, 17. About the name of Kalandakanivâpa (seeds of Kalandaka? feeding ground for squirrels ?), see the story related in Beal, Romantic Legend, &c., p. 315, where this place is said to be the gift of a merchant named Kalandaka. A different account is given by Spence Hardy, Manual, p. 194.
2 Literally, living creatures which have but one organ of sense ; that is, which have only the organ of feeling, viz. the outward form (kâya).
$ Samkapayissantis samkappayissanti Buddhaghosa : appossukka-nibaddha-vâsam vasissanti.
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