1, 71.
thumbs were cut off, whose tendons (of the feet) were cut, who had hands like a snake's hood?, who was a hump-back, or a dwarf, or a person that had a goître, that had been branded, that had been scourged, on a proclaimed robber, on a person that had elephantiasis, that was afflicted with bad illness, that gave offence (by any deformity) to those who saw him, on a one-eyed person, on a person with a crooked limb, on a lame person, on a person that was paralysed on one side, on a cripple, on a person weak from age, on a blind man, on a dumb man, on a deaf man, on a blind and dumb man, on a blind and deaf man, on a deaf and dumb man, on a blind, deaf and dumb man.
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
Let no person, O Bhikkhus, whose hands are cut off, receive the pabbaggâ ordination. Let no person whose feet are cut off, receive the pabbaggâ ordination, &c. (each of the above cases being here repeated). He who confers the pabbaggâ ordination (on such persons), is guilty of a dukkata offence. Here end the thirty-two cases in which pabbag gâ
is forbidden.
End of the ninth Bhânavâra.
1.Whose fingers are grown together, like bats' wings' (Buddhaghosa).
* Buddhaghosa (Berlin MS.) explains khinniriyâpatha' by pidha sappi.' We ought to read, no doubt, pithasappî, which is Sanskrit pithasarpin, a cripple that is moved on in a rolling chair.
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