By the advice of the editor I add a detailed synopsis of the parallel passages from the six Dharma-stras and Smritis, as well as of the wholly or partly identical verses from the Mahabharata, Parasara, Mânava Sraddhakalpa, the Upanishads, and some other works. I trust that, though references to the Smritis have already been given in the notes to the translation, this addition will not be found useless. The principle on which I have worked is, a different one, and this synopsis shows much more clearly which rules of Manu's work are represented in the older books and which are not. It also shows at a glance which verses I have been able to trace elsewhere. According to what has been said in the Introduction, both points are of some importance. I have used this opportunity to supply some. omissions, and to correct the misprints occurring in the figures of the quotations given in the notes. Wherever the notes and the synopsis differ, the latter alone is to be relied on. The addition of an asterisk (*) to a quotation means that the passage is in verse, and that it is thus intimately connected with Manu's Sloka. The passages quoted from the Mahabharata are all cognate verses. Hence no asterisks have been added.
Abbreviations: Ga.=Gautamiya Dharmasastra; Ba.=Baudhûyanîya Dharmasastra; Âp.=Âpastambiya. Dharma-s@tra;. Va.=Våsishtha Dharmasastra; Vi.=Vishnu Smriti; Yå.=Yågñavalkiya Dharmasâstra; Par.=Paråsara Smriti (Calc. ed.): Må. Sr.=Mânava-Sraddhakalpa (Introduction, pp. xl-xliii); Â. Gri:=Asvalâyana Grihya-stra (Calc. ed.); Så. Gri:=Sänkhâyana Gríhya-s@tra; På. Gri.=Pâraskara Grihya-sútra ; Go. Gri=Gobhilîya Griya-sâtra (Calc. ed.); Mai. Up.=Maitrậyanîyabrâhmanopanishad; Isa. Up.= Lsåväsyopanishad; Sa. Up. = Samhitopanishad; Nir.= Nirukta; Mah. = Mahâbhârata; V.P.=Vishnu-purana, Wilson's translation, edited by Dr. F. E. Hall.
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